The Original Valentine

You know I love books, right?
And history.
And learning of all kinds.
I pretty much try to make a learning experience out of everything.
Even holidays.
I told you how much I loved connections.
Holidays are a perfect opportunity for making connections.
In the midst of the candy-buying, valentine-writing, and heart-making, you might just wonder why in the world you’re doing all of this…
or more likely, your children ask you something like…Mom, why do we do this anyway?
Bam.  Instant teaching opportunity.
Share with them the story of St. Valentine.  You can look it up and read it to them, or pull out a pretty picture book and really get them interested.
Learning about St. Valentine leads to discussion about persecution, which continues today.  More connections.  I love it.
As a way to remember and support those in chains, (Hebrews 13:3) I am giving away this book from Voice of the Martyrs.




To enter the Giveaway:

1. Sign up to receive emails from Riggstown Road.  (This way, you’ll receive an email when I announce the winner.)

2. Leave a comment in the Comment Section, telling me you subscribed by email.  Be sure to leave a name!

But hurry!  The Giveaway is open this weekend only! 
(Feb. 14 and 15) **See update below.**

Or, to order a copy for yourself, visit The Voice of the Martyrs.  They also offer many other ways you can support our brothers and sisters in Christ.

“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them, and those who are mistreated, since you yourselves are in the body also.”   Hebrews 13:3




Happy Valentines Day!
**Update** Comments are not working for some people, and if that is you, please email me at the blog address ( with your name.  Hope I can work out all the kinks; in the meantime, I have extended the giveaway to the end of the week due to the confusion. 🙂

About The Author



  1. King Jennifer | 16th Feb 15


  2. King Jennifer | 16th Feb 15

    Ok, mine is working 🙂 Great post, as always! We did random acts of kindness in Lenoir County with our church on Saturday and it was so rewarding! I will definitely share the real story with my children!

  3. Lynn Riggs Driver | 16th Feb 15

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lynn Riggs Driver | 16th Feb 15

    Thanks, Jennifer, you're so sweet, and such a good mama! 🙂

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