Metal Chalkboard Signs

Random fact about me: I kill plants and computers.

I recently had to have my computer fixed. again.  As for plants…I’m doing better.  I remember to water them. usually.

I do better with junk and old wood and metal.  Maybe because you really can’t mess it up?  I shared a little bit of my love for metalwork in this recent post, with the hand lettered HOME sign I made.  This is a new batch of signs, with a twist.  You get to decide what your sign says, and change it every day if you want.  They’re chalkboards!

metal chalkboard sign by Riggstown Road

I love ’em.

metal chalkboard signs by Riggstown Road

Fresh eggs, anyone?

metal chalkboard sign by Riggstown Road

Rusty farmhouse style and functionality.

Does it get any better than that?

Actually, yes.  We made them together.  Rusty farmhouse style, functionality,

and family.

metal chalkboard sign by Riggstown Road

…which is kind of what I’m about.

Also, I got to practice some “fancy” hand-lettering, which I also love.

(I may have too many hobbies.)

I’m considering selling some of these at our local heritage day.  And who knows?  I may do another giveaway soon.

What do ya think?

Oh, and don’t worry.  No computers or plants were harmed in the making of this post. 😉

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