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Category: contributor posts

Free Sunshine Printable

“You are my sunshine…my only sunshine…You make me happy…when skies are gray… You’ll never know dear…how much I love you…Please don’t take…my sunshine away…” This song takes me back.  As in, back to kindergarten.  Amazing how something so small and simple can transport you across the years that way.  It’s also something I’ve sung to all my babies, as I’m sure most of you have.  Aaaand I have a little niece who is quite partial to it. 😉 One of my babies created a whole new memory to go with…

Sweet Rewards

Another holiday is upon us, and I am all about using every opportunity as a teachable moment- even Valentine’s Day! I’m sharing how I use these “Sweet Rewards” over at Busy Mom’s Helper.  Click on over for an easy-peasy idea of the sweet and simple variety…because they are my favorite…

Children and Chores

This weekend I’m sharing a guest post for my friend, Keri, on her blog ONE MAMA’S DAILY DRAMA.  We all have our share of drama, don’t we? 😉  Head over and check out this idea on dealing with Children and Chores, that might make your day just a little bit easier…

The Sock Basket

How are those resolutions coming along? My word for the year is ORGANIZE. True, it’s something I already like to do, but there are some areas around the house I can’t ever seem to stay on top of.  Hello, paper pile. I do like to organize in ways that are very easy to set up and maintain…and that look cute. 😉 I’m sharing an EASY organization tip today over at Busy Mom’s Helper. Join me there and leave a comment to share your favorite tips…

Kid-Friendly Christmas Cake-Topper

Just in time for Christmas Eve… If your little ones want to help you prepare something special in the kitchen this holiday season, here’s a fun and EASY way for them to do just that. Click on the link for the details over at Busy Mom’s Helper. And may you have a Wonderful Christmas…

20 Alternatives to TV for Kids!

Your hands are busily trying to finish dinner without burning it, it’s the baby’s fussy time, the phone is ringing, you have a long list of to-do’s, and your mind is occupied with all of these things, while your other kiddos whine that there is “nothing to doooooo.”  After a couple of rejected suggestions you may find yourself saying, “I don’t know…just do something!” Does this scenario sound familiar?  It may or may not be a composite of personal experience. 😉 In times like these, it’s all too easy to fall back on the…

Make Your Own Indian Corn – from Popcorn!

I had grand plans, y’all.  I’m kinda famous for ’em.  I see potential everywhere. Problem is, things don’t always turn out quite the way I envision them. Like the plans I had for this DIY Indian corn.  I had the coolest idea.  I knew just what I was going to do with it, and it was going to be the most adorable thing. Except that it didn’t work so well.  Very frustrating.  But then I remembered that the light bulb took a few tries to get right, too, right?  So I put the really cool project…

Tin “Pumpcans”

Fall is unofficially here.! Leaves have already started to fall in my yard, and the weather is absolutely perfect.  I enjoy all the seasons, but fall is my favorite.  I kicked it off with my favorite kind of project…the quick & low-to-no-cost kind. I made some pumpkins from cans, so I just haaaad to call them pumpcans. 😉 Join me over at Busy Mom’s Helper for all the details…

Big Breakfast for Busy Families

Hello, friends! In case you were wondering why things have been so quiet lately here on the blog, it’s because real life has been real busy.  Among other things, we have a wedding coming up!  I can’t wait to share more about that when the time comes, but in the meantime, I have a little something to share today with all the rest of you busy mamas over at Busy Mom’s Helper. In the midst of all the business, it’s still nice to put a good meal on the table- even for breakfast.  We usually do…

Super Easy Chalkboard Banner

Well, summer is in full swing, and I’m trying to find the perfect balance between getting lots of things done, and getting some R & R.  How ’bout you? Today, for my contributor post,  I’m sharing a tutorial for this Super Easy Chalkboard Banner.  It’s the perfect little project for the lazy days of summer.  But my favorite thing about it, is that I’ll get to use it over and over, all year long, since it’s erasable! Hint:  It’s very similar to the chalkboard on my dining room wall, which I made without chalkboard…