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Category: encouragement

Best Job Ever! free printable

Do you love words as much as I do? I am such a word-nerd. I’m awed by how much meaning can be conveyed in one little word or phrase. Whether it’s scripture, a line from a favorite hymn, an age-old quote, or your favorite phrase, just hang some words on your wall and you have meaningful art. 😉 (Read about easy, meaningful, one-of-a-kind art in this contributor post.) Last week, I shared my heart for the job we do as full-time mamas.  It is a joy and a privilege.  But it’s also…

Dear (full-time) Mamas: 10 things you need to hear

Writing is a lot like standing on a stage in your birthday suit. You open up a very personal part of yourself for ridicule, and as your hand hovers over the publish button, you have to decide if it’s worth it. As a writer, you want to please everyone, but that’s not possible.  So you write for the ones who need to hear your message. This post has been on my heart for quite a while now, and I’m finally getting around to sharing it.  It really sums up a lot of the reason behind this blog…

20 Alternatives to TV for Kids!

Your hands are busily trying to finish dinner without burning it, it’s the baby’s fussy time, the phone is ringing, you have a long list of to-do’s, and your mind is occupied with all of these things, while your other kiddos whine that there is “nothing to doooooo.”  After a couple of rejected suggestions you may find yourself saying, “I don’t know…just do something!” Does this scenario sound familiar?  It may or may not be a composite of personal experience. 😉 In times like these, it’s all too easy to fall back on the…

Using Decor to Make Each Child Feel Special

Happy Weekend, Mamas! One way I love spending my weekend is decorating.  Today I’m over at Busy Mom’s Helper sharing a tip about decorating.  I have five special children, and I’m using décor to make each child feel special. Come visit me there, and read the details of this project, and get inspired to do the same for each of your children.  This is one project you’re guaranteed to be able to finish by the end of the weekend! Sharing at some great link-up parties, including these…

Homeschooling: Little Entrepreneurs

Guess what?   A few days ago, my daughter made this cute little bunny and I thought it was the perfect thing to welcome spring. Also, I was amazed at her cleverness.  No pattern or tutorial, just her imagination and creativity. Last year, the girls learned to crochet in art class, and it has become a favorite thing for them to do… like making these teeny tiny Barbie purses…   and keeping all the dolls well-dressed. They have been enjoying making things to wear…     to share…     and now to sell! They have started a little lemonade stand, of sorts. They are…

Jazzing up January with New Books

We got new school books the other day. Please excuse the lonely little cotton stem; he needs friends. Yep.  In January. Adds a little excitement to the drab days of winter.  I mean, who doesn’t need a little sparkle amidst the gray? We’re conditioned to think that our students must begin a new textbook in September and be finished with it by May.  And sometimes it works out that way… sometimes, it doesn’t. The reality is, a child might speed through a book because they love it and be ready for the next level.  Right now.  Why…

Life is Precious

Today, I’m taking a little break from light-hearted posts   to talk about something that is near and dear to my heart…     the most precious gift of all… life. Thirty-one years ago today, my family lost my baby brother.  Due to birth complications, he was only with us for four months.  But he was, and is, so loved. And on this very day, as I write, my own (16 yr old) baby boy is with friends at the march for life in Washington, DC to say with others there, that life is precious.  I can’t think of…

The Santa Question

I remember where I was when I was first confronted with the truth.  I’ll bet you do, too. A cousin of mine (who was much older and wiser, six months older than I was) informed me as we stood in my grandparents’ house after Sunday dinner that, of course she “didn’t believe in Santa Claus anymore…there’s no way he could get to all those houses in one night.” I stood there, stunned.  She had a point there. It’s a funny story now, but at the time, I was not laughin’. 🙂 Maybe your little ones recently…

Gratitude Garland

Even though Thanksgiving has come and gone, and the bursts of autumn color are winding down, I wanted to share one last little bit of the season, because **it’s my favorite.** 🙂 And also because I did something new with the kids this year that I love.  I really wanted to foster an attitude of gratitude with them, so I made them think a little bit. Y’all.  This is one of my favorite things I’ve ever done.  It’s not the perfectly printed or stenciled banner that I may or may not have had in mind; it’s…

Enjoy the Ride!

Homeschooling is… having to stop and think about what grade you’re in, because… it really. doesn’t. matter. Are you shocked? Homeschooling is having to stop and think about what grade your children are in, even though you are their mommy AND their teacher. Are you appalled? I might’ve been too, once. But that was before 15 years of homeschooling. Actually, home educating sounds so much better, doesn’t it?  Use that one when talking to the most critical critics. 😉 My children get asked this all the time.  Sometimes they answer right away.  Sometimes they glance at me…