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Category: raising boys

Gratitude Garland

Even though Thanksgiving has come and gone, and the bursts of autumn color are winding down, I wanted to share one last little bit of the season, because **it’s my favorite.** 🙂 And also because I did something new with the kids this year that I love.  I really wanted to foster an attitude of gratitude with them, so I made them think a little bit. Y’all.  This is one of my favorite things I’ve ever done.  It’s not the perfectly printed or stenciled banner that I may or may not have had in mind; it’s…

Enjoy the Ride!

Homeschooling is… having to stop and think about what grade you’re in, because… it really. doesn’t. matter. Are you shocked? Homeschooling is having to stop and think about what grade your children are in, even though you are their mommy AND their teacher. Are you appalled? I might’ve been too, once. But that was before 15 years of homeschooling. Actually, home educating sounds so much better, doesn’t it?  Use that one when talking to the most critical critics. 😉 My children get asked this all the time.  Sometimes they answer right away.  Sometimes they glance at me…

Best Teaching Tool Ever!

Last week, as I was using this little thingy for the bazillionth time, I realized I love it just as much now as I did the first time I ever used it with a student- 20 years ago!- and I thought maybe I should share this little goodie with you. If you have ever tried to teach a child to tell time, you know that it can be a LITtle frustrating (for them, of course.)  There’s a short hand, long hand, the three is also a fifteen, the six means thirty, and then there’s the problem of the…

How Summer Days are Meant to be Spent

This summer, we’ve had fun speeding down waterslides, eating watermelon (an absolute summer requirement around here), going to the park, watching fireworks on the 4th, playing volleyball (they play; I watch), gardening (mostly, we grow weeds), and working on projects (fun for me, anyway!) Active things.  Fun things. But today I looked outside, and saw this… Maitland & Wyland (brothers) and Bekah & Joe (siblings) and I thought…THAT is how summer days are meant to be spent.  At least some of them.  Green grass, warm sun, a breeze, and leisure.  Permission to be lazy.  To soak it all…

Connections… and a Giveaway!

Homeschooling is…       making connections. and I love when that happens. when our history lesson   becomes our story time   becomes our writing lesson   becomes our art    becomes our science lesson   becomes our math activity   becomes a project   becomes a character lesson   becomes a gift to someone   becomes a field trip   becomes family time…becomes life. and after all…isn’t that what learning is all about? In honor of connections  I want to offer something special for my very first ever ever ever giveaway!  This book is one of the resources that has helped us make lots of connections: from one…

A Fun Breakfast for Lazy Summer Mornings with the Kids…gluten-free of course!

It’s amazing what a teenage boy will come up with.  It’s also amazing that I never thought of it myself. But children are so undaunted.  So willing to take risks  (except those involving the words “good for you.”)  Not worried about the way you’re supposed to do it.  Not like us adults.  And sometimes, this can lead to good things. My son has one favorite food group: processed.  Getting him to eat healthy is an ongoing battle.  But he is creative.  He can even cook a little.  I want my children to be versatile and have lots…