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Browsing Tag: parenting

Amazon Bookcase Hack

Stuff happens. And you need a place to put it all. One thing that will help you keep your sanity, mamas, is to have a place for everything. Train your children to know that place, so that as they grow, they can put their own things away. I searched a few thrift and antique stores, looking for the perfect storage piece, but the school year was well on its way, I had not found the right thing, and I wasn’t feeling quite organized. Pressed wood to the rescue! I found this piece online.   I liked the look of it…

Best Job Ever! free printable

Do you love words as much as I do? I am such a word-nerd. I’m awed by how much meaning can be conveyed in one little word or phrase. Whether it’s scripture, a line from a favorite hymn, an age-old quote, or your favorite phrase, just hang some words on your wall and you have meaningful art. 😉 (Read about easy, meaningful, one-of-a-kind art in this contributor post.) Last week, I shared my heart for the job we do as full-time mamas.  It is a joy and a privilege.  But it’s also…

Dear (full-time) Mamas: 10 things you need to hear

Writing is a lot like standing on a stage in your birthday suit. You open up a very personal part of yourself for ridicule, and as your hand hovers over the publish button, you have to decide if it’s worth it. As a writer, you want to please everyone, but that’s not possible.  So you write for the ones who need to hear your message. This post has been on my heart for quite a while now, and I’m finally getting around to sharing it.  It really sums up a lot of the reason behind this blog…

Free Printables and a Thrifty Wall Art DIY

That’s right, mamas.  This post is a two-for-one. And I’m sooo excited. Because I love the way it turned out. You know that feeling when you finally complete something that’s been hanging around in your head for months, and it turned out the way you pictured it?  You’re all, Yaaaaay!  Kids, come look!  Or at least, I am. 😉 I’m also excited because I’m getting to offer you two things: a set of FREE PRINTABLES *AND* a little DIY tip for a very inexpensive way to jazz up your walls.  (As in… less…

No-Cost Headbands

Yep.  You read that right.  Today I’m sharing an easy little tutorial for NO-COST HEADBANDS like these… Sweet, right?  I made the one pictured here without spending one single cent.  And I’m getting ready to make some more.  Want to make your own?  (It really is easy, I promise.)  Join me over at  Busy Mom’s Helper  and find out how! P.S.  Model not included…

Children and Chores

This weekend I’m sharing a guest post for my friend, Keri, on her blog ONE MAMA’S DAILY DRAMA.  We all have our share of drama, don’t we? 😉  Head over and check out this idea on dealing with Children and Chores, that might make your day just a little bit easier…

Consequence Chart

Happy Summer, Moms and Kids! To help your summer get off to a fantastic start, I wanted to share with you a little tool I use.  It’s a Consequence Chart, and if you’re anything like me, it’ll be a great way for you to have more fun and less stress this summer…and all year ’round. For all the details, come visit me at Busy Mom’s Helper, where I’m contributing today, and don’t forget to share some ideas of your own for smooth sailing this summer…

Growing Up is Hard to Do

My children are at different ages,  different stages but all with one thing in common… they’re growing up and growing up is hard to do. While we would all like to revisit yesteryear once in a while, growing up is something most people wouldn’t want to do over- because it’s hard work… skinned knees broken hearts hurt feelings and tough decisions. That’s the big one. And the bigger you get, so do the decisions. I tell my children that’s the way they know they are getting closer to being grown up… the decisions get tougher…

I Heart Snow

Where we live, we get to experience all the seasons–sometimes in the same week! Winter here is very fickle. We get springlike days, and cold, rainy miserable days, and sometimes… we get snow. But not too often. So we try to thoroughly enjoy it while it’s here.   We have a snow day. And what I like about snow days is that everybody gets to be a kid for a day. Which means… no schoolwork, boogie-board sleds, snowball fights, snow cream, and throwing snow at the exact moment the picture is snapped, which just happens to form a…

Enjoy the Ride!

Homeschooling is… having to stop and think about what grade you’re in, because… it really. doesn’t. matter. Are you shocked? Homeschooling is having to stop and think about what grade your children are in, even though you are their mommy AND their teacher. Are you appalled? I might’ve been too, once. But that was before 15 years of homeschooling. Actually, home educating sounds so much better, doesn’t it?  Use that one when talking to the most critical critics. 😉 My children get asked this all the time.  Sometimes they answer right away.  Sometimes they glance at me…